Source code for geni.aggregate.protogeni

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from __future__ import absolute_import

import inspect
import sys

from .core import AM, APIRegistry

[docs] class PGCompute(AM): def __init__ (self, name, host, cmid = None, url = None): if url is None: url = "https://%s:12369/protogeni/xmlrpc/am/2.0" % (host) self.urlv3 = "%s3.0" % (url[:-3]) self._apiv3 = APIRegistry.get("amapiv3") super(PGCompute, self).__init__(name, url, "amapiv2", "pg", cmid)
[docs] def geniRestart (self, context, sname, urns): if not isinstance(urns, list): urns = [urns] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "geni_restart", urns)
[docs] def geniStart (self, context, sname): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "geni_start")
[docs] def geniUpdateUsers (self, context, sname, user_info_list): # user_info_list: # [ { "urn" : <str>, "keys" : [ <str>, ...] }, ... ] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "geni_update_users", options = {"geni_users" : user_info_list})
[docs] def geniCancelUpdateUsers (self, context, sname): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "geni_updating_users_cancel")
[docs] def getConsoleURL (self, context, sname, urn): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "geni_console_url", urns = [urn])
Kentucky_PG = PGCompute('pg-kentucky', '', '') UTAH_PG = PGCompute('pg-utah', '', '') Wall2_PG = PGCompute("pg-wall2", "", "") Wall1_PG = PGCompute("pg-wall1", "", "") wilab_PG = PGCompute("pg-wilab", "", "")
[docs] def aggregates (): module = sys.modules[__name__] for _,obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if isinstance(obj, AM): yield obj
[docs] def name_to_aggregate (): result = dict() module = sys.modules[__name__] for _,obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if isinstance(obj, AM): result[] = obj return result