Source code for geni.aggregate.vts

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from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import inspect

from .core import AM, APIRegistry

[docs] class HostPOAs(object): def __init__ (self, vtsam): = vtsam
[docs] def getARPTable (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "", options={"client-ids": client_ids})
[docs] def getRouteTable (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "", options={"client-ids": client_ids})
[docs] def svcStatus (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "", options={"client-ids": client_ids})
[docs] def execcmd (self, context, sname, client_ids, cmd): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "", options={"client-ids": client_ids, "cmd" : cmd})
[docs] class v4RouterPOAs(object): def __init__ (self, vtsam): = vtsam
[docs] def addOSPFNetworks (self, context, sname, client_ids, nets): """Add OSPF Networks to areas on the given routers Args: context: geni-lib context sname (str): Slice name client_ids (list): A list of client-id strings nets (list): A list of (network, area) tuples """ if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "vts:uh.quagga:add-ospf-nets", options={"client-ids": client_ids, "networks" : nets})
[docs] def getRouteTable (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "vts:uh.quagga:get-route-table", options={"client-ids": client_ids})
[docs] def getOSPFNeighbors (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return,, sname, "vts:uh.quagga:get-ospf-neighbors", options={"client-ids": client_ids})
[docs] class Policy(object): def __init__ (self, vtsam): = vtsam # Policy consent hooks for GDPR-style compliance
[docs] def getText (self, context, pid = None): """Get the text contents of the policy requested. If no policy is specified and only one policy exists at the aggregate, that policy text will be returned. Args: context: geni-lib context pid: policy ID (typically from `getversion` output) Returns: str: Text contents of policy """ opts = {} if pid: opts["policy-id"] = pid return,, "vts:policy:get-text", options = opts)
[docs] def giveConsent (self, context, pid): """Give consent to the policy indicated for the user URN in the credential used. Args: context: geni-lib context pid: policy ID """ return,, "vts:policy:consent", options = {"policy-id" : pid})
[docs] def revokeConsent (self, context, pid): """Revoke consent from this date forward to the policy indicated for the user URN in the credential used. Args: context: geni-lib context pid: policy ID """ return,, "vts:policy:revoke", options = {"policy-id" : pid})
[docs] class VTS(AM): """Wrapper for all VTS-supported AMAPI functions""" def __init__ (self, name, host, url = None): self._host = host if url is None: url = "https://%s:3626/foam/gapi/2" % (self._host) self.urlv3 = "%s3" % (url[:-1]) self._apiv3 = APIRegistry.get("amapiv3") super(VTS, self).__init__(name, url, "amapiv2", "vts") self.Host = HostPOAs(self) self.IPv4Router = v4RouterPOAs(self) self.Policy = Policy(self)
[docs] def allocate (self, context, sname, rspec): rspec_data = rspec.toXMLString(ucode=True) manifest = self._apiv3.allocate(context, self.urlv3, sname, rspec_data) return self.amtype.parseManifest(manifest)
[docs] def provision (self, context, sname): udata = [] for user in context._users: data = {"urn" : user.urn, "keys" : [open(x, "rb").read() for x in user._keys]} udata.append(data) res = self._apiv3.provision(context, self.urlv3, sname, options = {"geni_users" : udata}) if res["code"]["geni_code"] == 0: return self.amtype.parseManifest(res["value"])
[docs] def changeController (self, context, sname, url, datapaths, ofver=None): options={"controller-url" : url, "datapaths" : datapaths} if ofver: options["openflow-version"] = ofver return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:of:change-controller", options)
[docs] def dumpFlows (self, context, sname, datapaths, show_hidden=False): """Get the current flows and flow stats from the requested datapaths. Args: context: geni-lib context sname (str): Slice name datapaths (list): A list of datapath client_id strings show_hidden (bool): Show hidden flows (if any) Returns: dict: Key/Value dictionary of format `{ client_id : [(flow_field, ...), ...] }` """ return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:of:dump-flows", options={"datapaths" : datapaths, "show-hidden" : show_hidden})
[docs] def getL2Table (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "api:l2-switch:get-l2-table", options={"client-ids" : client_ids})
[docs] def clearL2Table (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "api:uh.vswitch:clear-l2-table", options={"client-ids" : client_ids})
[docs] def clearFlows (self, context, sname, datapaths): """Clear all installed flows from the requested datapaths. Args: context: geni-lib context sname (str): Slice name datapaths (list): A list of datapath client_id strings """ return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:of:clear-flows", options={"datapaths" : datapaths})
[docs] def portDown (self, context, sname, client_id): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:port-down", options={"port-client-id" : client_id})
[docs] def portUp (self, context, sname, client_id): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:port-up", options={"port-client-id" : client_id})
[docs] def addFlows (self, context, sname, flows): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:of:add-flows", options={"rules" : flows})
[docs] def getSTPInfo (self, context, sname, datapaths): if not isinstance(datapaths, list): datapaths = [datapaths] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:l2:stp-info", options={"datapaths" : datapaths})
[docs] def getRSTPInfo (self, context, sname, datapaths): if not isinstance(datapaths, list): datapaths = [datapaths] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:l2:rstp-info", options={"datapaths" : datapaths})
[docs] def getPortInfo (self, context, sname, datapaths): if not isinstance(datapaths, list): datapaths = [datapaths] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:raw:get-port-info", options={"datapaths" : datapaths})
[docs] def setPortBehaviour (self, context, sname, port_list): port_json_list = [] for (port,obj) in port_list: port_json_list.append((port, obj.__json__())) return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:raw:set-port-behaviour", options={"ports" : port_json_list})
[docs] def getLeaseInfo (self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "api:uh.dhcp:get-leases", options = {"client-ids" : client_ids})
[docs] def setPortVLAN (self, context, sname, port_tuples): if not isinstance(port_tuples, list): port_tuples = [port_tuples] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:raw:set-vlan", options = {"ports" : port_tuples})
[docs] def setPortTrunk (self, context, sname, port_list): if not isinstance(port_list, list): port_list = [port_list] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:raw:set-trunk", options = {"ports" : port_list})
[docs] def addSSHKeys (self, context, sname, client_ids, keys): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] if not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:container:add-keys", options = {"client-ids" : client_ids, "ssh-keys" : keys})
[docs] def setDHCPSubnet (self, context, sname, subnet_tuples): if not isinstance(subnet_tuples, list): subnet_tuples = [subnet_tuples] clid_map = {} for clid,subnet in subnet_tuples: clid_map[clid] = subnet return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "api:uh.dhcp:set-subnet", options = {"client-id-map" : clid_map})
[docs] def addDNSResourceRecord (self, context, sname, client_id, record_name, record_type, record_value, record_ttl=7200): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:uh.dnsroot:add-resource-record", options = {"client-id" : client_id, "record-name" : record_name, "record-type" : record_type, "record-value" : record_value, "record-ttl" : record_ttl})
[docs] def deleteDNSResourceRecord (self, context, sname, client_id, record_name, record_type): return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:uh.dnsroot:delete-resource-record", options = {"client-id" : client_id, "record-name" : record_name, "record-type" : record_type})
[docs] def getAllDNSResourceRecords(self, context, sname, client_ids): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:uh.dnsroot:get-all-records", options={"client-ids": client_ids})
[docs] def getLastDNSDHCPops(self, context, sname, client_ids, number_of_operations, dns_OR_dhcp): if not isinstance(client_ids, list): client_ids = [client_ids] return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:uh.dnsdhcp:get-last-DNSDHCP-ops", options={"client-ids": client_ids, "number-of-operations": number_of_operations, "dns-OR-dhcp": dns_OR_dhcp})
[docs] def setDeleteLock (self, context, sname): """Prevent the given sliver from being deleted by another user with the credential. .. note:: Locks are cumulative, and removed by calling `deletesliver`. When the last locking user calls `deletesliver`, the sliver will be deleted. It is not possible to remove your lock without risking deletion. Args: context: geni-lib context sname (str): Slice name """ return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "geni:set-delete-lock", {})
[docs] def dropboxFinalize (self, context, authcode): """Finalize the Dropbox account link for this aggregate. Args: context: geni-lib context authcode (str): Authorization code given by Dropbox """ return self._apiv3.paa(context, self.urlv3, "vts:dropbox:complete-link", {"auth-code" : authcode})
[docs] def dropboxUpload (self, context, sname, cvols): """Trigger upload to associated Dropbox account from requested container volumes. Args: context: geni-lib context sname (str): Slice name cvols (list): List of `(container client-id, volume-id)` tuples """ data = {} for (cid,volid) in cvols: data.setdefault(cid, []).append(volid) return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:dropbox:upload", options = {"vols" : [data]})
[docs] def hgPull (self, context, sname, cvols): """Update an HgMount volume with the latest data from the source repository. Args: context: geni-lib context sname (str): Slice name cvols (list): List of `(container client-id, volume-id)` tuples """ data = {} for (cid,volid) in cvols: data.setdefault(cid, []).append((volid, True)) return self._apiv3.poa(context, self.urlv3, sname, "vts:hg:pull", options = {"vols" : [data]})
Clemson = VTS("vts-clemson", "") GPO = VTS("vts-gpo", "") Illinois = VTS("vts-illinois", "") NPS = VTS("vts-nps", "") UKYPKS2 = VTS("vts-ukypks2", "") StarLight = VTS("vts-starlight", "")
[docs] def aggregates (): module = sys.modules[__name__] for _,obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if isinstance(obj, AM): yield obj
[docs] def name_to_aggregate (): result = dict() module = sys.modules[__name__] for _,obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if isinstance(obj, AM): result[] = obj return result
[docs] def aggregateFromHost (host): module = sys.modules[__name__] for _,obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if isinstance(obj, AM): if obj._host == host: return obj