Source code for geni.types

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import binascii

import six

"""Utility types used within geni-lib."""

[docs] class DPID(object): """Utility class representing OpenFlow Datapath IDs This class tries to handle all likely inputs and desired outputs, while providing a single internal type to work with in the code. String representations passed in must be represented in hex, but may contain common separators (colon, dash, and period) in any configuration. Args: val (int, long, unicode, str) Raises: DPID.OutOfRangeError: If the DPID represented by `val` is larger than the spec allows or less than zero. DPID.InputTypeError: If `val` is not a supported data type """ MAX = (2 ** 64) - 1
[docs] class OutOfRangeError(Exception): def __init__ (self, val): super(DPID.OutOfRangeError, self).__init__() self.val = val def __str__ (self): return "Input value (%d) out of range of valid DPIDs" % (self.val)
[docs] class InputTypeError(Exception): def __init__ (self, val): super(DPID.InputTypeError, self).__init__() self.val = val def __str__ (self): return "Input value (%s) has invalid type (%s)" % (self.val, type(self.val))
def __init__ (self, val): self._dpid = None if isinstance(val, (six.string_types)): val = int(val.translate(None, ":-."), 16) if isinstance(val, (int, long)): if val < DPID.MAX and val >= 0: self._dpid = val else: raise DPID.OutOfRangeError(val) else: raise DPID.InputTypeError(val) def __eq__ (self, other): return self._dpid == other._dpid # pylint: disable=W0212 def __hash__ (self): return self._dpid def __str__ (self): """ Returns: str: Hex formatted DPID, with colons """ s = self.hexstr() return ":".join(["%s%s" % (s[x], s[x+1]) for x in xrange(0,15,2)]) def __repr__ (self): return str(self) def __json__ (self): return str(self)
[docs] def hexstr (self): """Unformatted hex representation of DPID Returns: str: Hex formatted DPID, without colons """ return "%016x" % (self._dpid)
[docs] class EthernetMAC (object): """Utility class representing 48-bit Ethernet MAC Addresses This class tries to handle all likely inputs and desired outputs, while providing a single internal type to work with in the code. String representations passed in must be represented in hex, but may contain common separators (colon, dash, and period) in any configuration. Args: val (int, long, unicode, str) Raises: EthernetMAC.OutOfRangeError: If the MAC represented by `val` is larger than than 48-bits or less than zero. EthernetMAC.InputTypeError: If `val` is not a supported data type """ MAX = 2 ** 48
[docs] class OutOfRangeError(Exception): def __init__ (self, val): super(EthernetMAC.OutOfRangeError, self).__init__() self.val = val def __str__ (self): return "Input value (%d) out of range of valid Ethernet Addresses" % (self.val)
[docs] class InputTypeError(Exception): def __init__ (self, val): super(EthernetMAC.InputTypeError, self).__init__() self.val = val def __str__ (self): return "Input value (%s) has invalid type (%s)" % (self.val, type(self.val))
def __init__ (self, val): self._mac = None if isinstance(val, (six.string_types)): if len(val) == 6: val = binascii.hexlify(val) val = val.replace(":", "") val = val.replace("-", "") val = int(val, 16) if isinstance(val, (long, int)): if val < EthernetMAC.MAX and val >= 0: self._mac = val else: raise EthernetMAC.OutOfRangeError(val) else: raise EthernetMAC.InputTypeError(val) def __eq__ (self, other): return self._mac == other._mac # pylint: disable=W0212 def __hash__ (self): return self._mac def __str__ (self): """ Returns: str: Hex formatted MAC, with colons """ s = self.hexstr() return ":".join(["%s%s" % (s[x], s[x+1]) for x in range(0,11,2)]) def __json__ (self): return str(self) def __repr__ (self): return str(self)
[docs] def hexstr (self): """Unformatted hex representation of MAC Returns: str: Hex formatted MAC, without separators """ return "%012x" % (self._mac)