Simple library for manipulating URNs, particularly those used for GENI objects
- class Base(*args)[source]
Base class representing any URN (RFC 2141).
- __init__(*args)[source]
Create a new generic URN
URNs can be initialized in one of two ways:
Passing a single string in URN format (’urn:NID:NSS’)
Passing two strings (the NID and the NSS) separately
- __repr__()
Return repr(self).
- class GENI(*args)[source]
Class representing the URNs used by GENI, which use the publicid NID and IDN (domain name) scheme, then impose some additional strucutre.
- static GENIURNType(s)[source]
Returns the type of the object if the URN is a valid GENI URN, or None otherwise.
- TYPE_AUTHORITY = 'authority'
Aggregate Managers, Slice Authorities, etc.
- TYPE_IMAGE = 'image'
Disk images
- TYPE_INTERFACE = 'interface'
Network interfaces
- TYPE_LINK = 'link'
Point-to-point and multipoint links
- TYPE_NODE = 'node'
Physical and virtual machines
- TYPE_SLICE = 'slice'
Container for allocated resources
- TYPE_SLIVER = 'sliver'
Slice of a specific resource
- TYPE_USER = 'user'
- __init__(*args)[source]
Create a URN in the format used for GENI objects
There are four forms of this constructor:
Pass a single string in GENI URN format (’urn:publicid:IDN+auth+type+name’)
Pass three arguments: the authority (a single string), the type (see the TYPE_* variables in this class), and the object name
Pass three arguments: as #2, but the authorit(ies) are passed as a list, with the top-level authority coming first, followed by any subauthorities
Pass three arguments: as #2, but the authority is a geni.aggregate.core.AM object, and the authority is taken from that object
- property authorities
Returns a list containing at least one authority string (the top level authority) and possibly additional subauthorities.
- property authority
Return a single string capturing the entire authority/subauthority chain
- static isValidGENIURN(s)[source]
Returns True if the given string is a valid URN in GENI format, False otherwise.
- property name
Returns the ‘name’ part of a GENI URN.
- property type
Returns the ‘type’ part of a GENI URN.
- Make(s)[source]
Returns the ‘most specific’ URN object that it can for the given string.
Specifically, returns a GENI URN if the string is in GENI format, or a Base URN if it is not. May throw a MalformedURNError exception if the string is not a valid URN at all.